開講中コースについて- Available Courses


eMail: schola@nomadesign.jp


ま た、海外留学を考えている場合は特に、"自分の作品が良いものであれば、説明なんていらない"という考えはナンセンス!入学試験に、リサーチブックの提出を求められることもあるくらいです。自分がなぜ、どのようにしてその作品を創ったかという、思考プロセスを言葉で説明出来ることが大切。そしてエンターテイナーとして、観る人の心を惹きつけること!そう、クリエーターは、自分のクリエーティビティを分かりたいと思って観てくれる人に発表するのですから、エンターテイナーなのです。
NOMADESIGN Scholaのコーチは、各分野のスペシャリストですから、特に留学や海外で活躍したい場合も、クリエーター一人一人にあったアドバイスでサポートしてくれますよ。

*NOMADESIGN Scholaの 海外準備コースは、海外留学を考えている人は勿論のこと、留学はしなくても、海外で活躍してみたいクリエーターも歓迎のコースです。





We are currently rapidly expanding our courses
and levels.

If you don't see your interested courses or levels,
please contact us via eMail, so that we will keep
you informed with our latest.

eMail: schola@nomadesign.jp

Prep. Courses

There are so many schools, universities and companies of creative field around the world, yet such organizations with good training programs are limited.
To improve the quality of your creativity effectively, you need a good guidance which helps you realizing your true strength.
Also, especially if you are thinking to study abroad, it is not good enough to think that your work should be able to speak of the quality by itself.
You need to be able to explain your thought process verbally, you will often be asked to present your research books at exams. Also, appeal to the audiences by touching their emotion as an "entertainer"! Yes, since creators expose their talents to people who wants to feel some kind of sensation from your work, we are entertainers!
Coaches of NOMADESIGN Schola have top experiences in the field, so if you wish to study/work abroad (or in Japan if you are from other countries), they can support you with specific advises.
If you are planning to study abroad, you might want to receive tailor-made training, while saving money for long term costly period abroad.

*NOMADESIGN Schola's Prep. Courses are suitable for creative students who wish to study abroad, and also for ones who wants to be professionally living abroad.

*You can start from ANY MONTH when the lessons are available!

We provide small group and on-line private lessons to suit individual lifestyle!

Fashion Design Prep. Course